Category Archives: Diary

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts on Saturday 18th January 2025, full of opportunities for us to join together in prayer and worship. The overarching theme for the week is “Do you believe this?”, marking the 1,700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed. Details of the week are as follows, with publicity material for you to share below.

 Saturday 18th January 2025, 10:30am
Morning Prayer Meeting at Horsham United Reformed Church, RH12 2RG

Sunday 19th January 2025, 6pm
United Service at St Mary’s, Horsham, RH12 1HE
The service this year will be led by St Margaret’s, Warnham

Monday 20th January 2025, 7:30pm
Evening prayer meeting at St John the Evangelist, RH12 2PJ

Wednesday 22nd January 2025, 7:30pm
Evening prayer meeting at Cornerstone Methodist Church – St Andrews, RH12 4DX

 Friday 24th January 2025, 1:30pm
Afternoon prayer meeting at Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, RH12 2QL

Saturday 25th January 2025, 11.30am
Caring for Creation Together – a reflective service with Eco Churches & Sussex Green Living, during the Sussex Green Hub at Horsham United Reformed Church, RH12 2RG

Sunday 26th January 2025, 6pm
Watoto Children’s Choir performing “Better Days” – an uplifting concert of praise, dance & storytelling at Kingdom Faith Church, RH13 5PX. Free tickets are available from

 Week of Prayer Publicity and Resources

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be taking place between 18th and 25th January 2025. We’ll announce the full line up of events after Christmas, but we thought you might like a sneak peek at some of the events taking place during the week.

Saturday 18th January 2025, 10:30am
Morning Prayer Meeting at Horsham United Reformed Church, RH12 2RG

Sunday 19th January 2025, 6pm
United Service at St Mary’s, Horsham, RH12 1HE
Led by St Margret’s, Warnham

Monday 20th January 2025, 7:30pm
Evening prayer meeting at St John the Evangelist, RH12 2PJ

Wednesday 22nd January 2025, 7:30pm
Evening prayer meeting at Cornerstone Methodist Church – St Andrews, RH12 4DX

Friday 24th January 2025, 1:30pm
Afternoon prayer meeting at Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, RH12 2QL

Funday Sunday 2024

Horsham Churches Together are hosting a stall in Horsham Park at the Rotary Club’s Funday Sunday on 7th July 2024, 12 noon til 5pm. There will be free craft activities for children, information about HCT, and a prayer tree.

St John’s Broadbridge Heath, Horsham Matters and Turning Tides also have stands at the Funday.

Good Friday Service in the Carfax 2024

Join us for this year’s Horsham Churches Together Good Friday Service in the Carfax on 29th March 2024 from 11:15 ‘til 12 noon. Kath Jones from Connect Southwater Community Church will be speaking, and the musicians from Trafalgar Road Baptist Church will be leading the sung worship.

To help spread the word, share this post on our Facebook page, display the poster in your window, download the flyer to print at home or send this social media graphic.

Watoto Choir coming to Horsham

This is an HCT Event, hosted by St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath on 17th & 18th May 2024.

Thank you to all who have managed to reserve tickets for the Friday 17th May at 7pm concert, tickets have now sold out for that date. Due to demand, a further date has been added for Saturday 18th May at 7pm. Download an event Poster, relating to this new date Here .   Enjoy this free concert featuring music from the new album “Better Days – There is Hope”.  Please register and book your tickets Here  (link to the EventBrite  website) or the QR code included in the Poster.  Watch a promo video Here, or download it along with any further promo material you would like, directly from their website at:   N.B.  At the moment, tickets are going fast!

Charity Concert for Turning Tides

Brighton Road Baptist Church are hosting an Easter Orchestral Concert by the Dove English Orchestra, conductor Grenville Harding; in aid of Turning Tides (Ending Local Homelessness). It is also an exciting opportunity to hear the Auschwitz Violin played! Click Here for a YouTube clip about the Auschwitz Violin. Do come, it is going to be a great evening! The concert will be at 7:30pm, 30th March 2024. Tickets are £14 (on door) and £12 (when booked in advance via the booking page; booking fee applies). You can also download the flyer.

“All About Heaven”, HCT event with David & Gill Oliver

If you missed the ‘All About Heaven’, HCT event at Kingdom Faith last Sunday, 25th February with David and Gill Oliver, you can catch up with the recording, on the Kingdom Faith YouTube Channel – Part 1 (60 mins) and Part 2 (50 mins).

This is an HCT event, hosted by Kingdom Faith. Save the date! –
“All About Heaven”
Date: Sunday 25th February 2024,
Time: 7pm,
Place: Kingdom Faith Church, Foundary Lane, Horsham.
Entry is free, but please book your place on line

This impacting event will move you deeply and leave you enthused, prepared and longing for your heavenly destination. Very few Christians have ever heard a talk on present heaven. As a window into heaven gets opened you’ll discover the Biblical answer to many of the questions surrounding the death of your loved ones and your own ultimate destination including:

  • Why do so few Christians talk about heaven?
  • What does happen when we die?
  • Where exactly do we go?
  • What will we be doing there?
  • Why some Christians are actively afraid to talk about it?

David Oliver is based in the Salt & Light family of churches where he works across the churches internationally in a prophetic role. When David & Gill faced the death of their son Joel at the age of 38, following a short and brutal fight with cancer, David set about researching and writing on heaven. Through a thorough and practical examination of scripture, this evening will answer questions, allay fears and have your hearts skipping at the thought of being there. The official tour guide takes the words of Jesus, John, Paul, Daniel and others and explores what scripture says; the possibilities and the facts.

Find out more – All About Heaven-February25-2024

Join us for the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

“GO AND DO LIKEWISE” (Luke 10:37)

The Good Samaritain – Luke 10:25-37 by  JESUS MAFA from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.

The ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ takes place each year from the 18th to 25th January. It is an opportunity for Christians from local churches to come together in prayer.

Horsham Churches Together will be celebrating the week with a series of events Join us if you are able.

– Thursday 18th: Brighton Road Baptist Church (7.30pm)
– Friday 19th: Prayer Walk – Horsham Town Centre (meet at 12 noon, Carfax Bandstand)
As part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, there will be the opportunity to take part in self-guided prayer walks around the Horsham town centre. Rev Pete Dibdin, Life Community Baptist Church, will be at the steps of the Carfax bandstand between 12:00pm and 12:20pm with printed prayer walk guides, you can get more information and download a print and mobile versions of the Guide.  HERE 

– Saturday 20th St Margaret’s Church, Warnham, (10am)
– Sunday 21st: HCT United Service at St Mary’s Parish Church (6pm), led by Cornerstone Methodist Church
– Monday 22nd: St John’s Broadbridge Heath (7.30pm)
– Tuesday 23rd: St Mark’s Church, Holbrook, with Horsham Eco Churches (7.30pm)  Based on the Good Samaritan and loving your neighbour, “Lord, turn our churches into ‘inns’, welcoming those in need.” Tis will be an  hour of worship and prayer,  contemplating  why we need to turn our churches into inns, and what local Christians are already doing together.
– Wednesday 24th: Trafalgar Road Baptist (12.30pm)
– Thursday 25th: United Reformed Church, Springfield Road (7.30pm)

Each year ecumenical partners in a different region are asked to prepare the materials. In 2024, the churches of Burkina Faso are inviting us to join with them in a process of self-reflection as they consider what it means to love our neighbour in the midst of a security crisis. Using the parable of the Good Samaritan the reflections explore how we find our common identity in the experience of God’s love. As well as the need to place love at the centre of the quest for peace and reconciliation.

You can download the reflection booklet from HERE

The parable of the Good Samaritan is found in Luke 10:25-37   Read the chapter and passage (NIV) and also listen and watch a dramatization on HERE

Resources for the week can be found on the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’s website:

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated between 18th and 25th January each year. In Horsham, we aim to hold a series of events during the week. This year, our programme of events will include our next joint HCT service will be hosted by St Mary’s Church, Horsham and led by Cornerstone Methodist Church at 6pm on Sunday 21st January.

A Downloadable Flyer for these events is available here

A Downloadable Flyer for these events is available here