Horsham Churches Together(HCT) provides networking, practical and communication links across the 32 member Churches across the north of Horsham District.
We work within a Constitution, which sets out the principles on which we work. The opening paragraph of our Constitution says:
There are many different Christian churches and denominations but all have the same basic calling: to worship God, to share the good news about Jesus Christ and to work for the good of all people.
HCT provides a structure which enables us to encourage and support each other to do just that.
Horsham Churches Together Forum: We have a quarterly Forum which provides the opportunity to set and review a calendar of events throughout the year. Each Church is invited to send representatives to the Forum. These members are the senior Church leader (or his / her representative), and two members of the congregation. The Forum is a really important part of the structure and helps to set the direction and activities of the organisation.
Minutes of the most recent Forum are available here.
Horsham Churches Together Executive: We also have an Executive, which is a group of Church leaders and lay representatives who carry out the day to day running of Horsham Churches Together and to enable the member churches to make decisions in common and to serve as a reference point for the Forum. They are supported in the everyday activities by an employed part time Development Coordinator and part time Secretary. Members of the Executive are listed here.
The Executive and Forum are chaired by a Moderator, who will be a Church leader, and a Deputy Moderator. These roles are appointed by the HCT Forum at the Annual General Meeting, which normally takes place in July.
Contact Details for the Moderator or any member of the HCT team, please use the Contact Form here.
Each member Church pays an annual membership fee, which provides for the payment of staff and delivery of some key meetings and activities.