Member Churches

There are 31 member churches in Horsham Churches Together. You can view them on the expandable interactive map below, or scroll down for a list of Churches with contact details.   More information about the organisation, including a downloadable copy of the Constitution, is available here.

All Saints (CofE), Roffey, Tel: 01403 252137

Brighton Road Baptist Church, Horsham, Tel: 01403 211150

Christian Life Centre, Queen Street Horsham, Tel: 01403 242335

Christian Life Centre, Milennium Hall, Roffey Tel:01403 242335

Church of the Most Holy Trinity (CofE), Lower Beeding, Tel: 01403 891352

Connect Southwater Community Church: Southwater Junior Academy, Tel 01403 273454

Good Shepherd (CofE), Mannings Heath, Tel: 01403 266466

Holy Innocents Church (CofE), Southwater, Tel: 01403 730229

Holy Trinity Church (CofE), Horsham, Tel: 01403 265401

Kingdom Faith, Horsham, Tel: 01403 275025

Life Community Baptist Church, Horsham, Tel: 01403 217204

Lifespring (Newfrontiers), Horsham, Tel:  01403 254241 

Cornerstone Methodist, London Road, Horsham, Tel: 01403 240714

Cornerstone St Andrew’s Methodist Church, Roffey


Quakers (Religious Society of Friends), Horsham

Redeemed Christian Church of God Living Faith Assembly, Horsham, Tel: 01293 423495

Salvation Army, Horsham, Tel: 01403 254624

St Andrew’s Church (CofE), Nuthurst

St John The Evangelist (RC), Horsham, Tel: 01403 253667

St John’s Church (CofE), Broadbridge Heath, 

St John’s Church (CofE), Coolhurst, Tel: 01403 891352

St Leonard’s Church (CofE), Horsham

St Margaret’s Church (CofE), Warnham, Tel: 07554 481737

St Mark’s Church (CofE), Holbrook, Tel: 01403 261380

St Mary Magdalene (CofE), Rusper, Tel: 01293 871251

St Mary’s Church (CofE), Horsham, Tel: 01403 253762

St Nicolas’ Church (CofE), Itchingfield,  Tel: 01403 790197

St Peter’s Church (CofE), Slinfold, Tel: 01403 790197

St Saviour’s Church (CofE), Colgate,  Tel: 01403 252137

Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, Horsham, Tel: 01403 240729

United Reformed Church, Horsham, Email:

United Reformed Church, Slinfold, Email: