‘We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry.’
Get Help!
We are all impacted by the growing cost of living crisis and this has left many of us struggling to cope and facing real challenges to provide the basics to support ourselves and our families. The Horsham District Community Foodbank is operated by Horsham Matters and supported by the Trussell Trust.
To find your local foodbank click here. If you need help or advice, go to the Horsham District Community Foodbank website Get Help page.
Give Help!
The Horsham District Community Foodbank is facing unprecedented demands with a growing pool of clients who need help and support. There are lots of ways you can help. To donate food to the foodbank, please visit the Horsham District Community Foodbank donations page to check out the current list of urgent needs. This list is updated regularly as demands and stock levels vary. You can also visit the Give Help page, where there is information about making cash donations, volunteering opportunities and business partnerships.