Carols in the Carfax

O Come All Ye Faithful
O come all ye faithful,
joyful and triumphant
O come ye O come ye,
to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
born the King of angels;

O come let us adore Him,
O come let us adore Him,
O come let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

God of God,
Light from Light Eternal,
lo, he abhors not the virgin’s womb;
Son of the Father,
begotten not created;

Sing choirs of angels,
sing in exultation;
sing all ye citizens of heaven above!
Glory to God, glory in the highest;

Words John Francis Wade, translated by C. Frederick Oakeley © Public Domain

O Little Town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem,
how still we see thee lie;
above thy deep and dreamless sleep
the silent stars go by.
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
the everlasting light;
the hopes and fears of all the years
are met in thee tonight.

For Christ is born of Mary,
and gathered all above
while mortals sleep, the angels keep
their watch of wondering love.
O morning stars together,
proclaim the holy birth,
and praises sing to God the King,
And peace to all on earth!

How silently, how silently,
the wondrous gift is given;
so God imparts to human hearts
the blessings of His heaven.
No ear may hear His coming,
but in this world of sin,
where meek souls will receive him,
still the dear Christ enters in.

O holy Child of Bethlehem,
descend to us, we pray;
cast out our sin, and enter in,
be born in us today.
We hear the Christmas angels
the great glad tidings tell;
O come to us, abide with us,
our Lord Emmanuel.

Phillips Brooks © Public Domain

While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

While shepherds watched
their flocks by night,
all seated on the ground;
the angel of the Lord came down,
and glory shone around.

“Fear not!” said he, for mighty dread
had seized their troubled mind.
“Glad tidings of great joy I bring
to you and all mankind.”

“To you, in David’s town, this day
is born of David’s line
a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord,
and this shall be the sign:

The heavenly babe
you there shall find
to human view displayed,
all meanly wrapped
in swaddling bands
and in a manger laid.”

Thus spake the seraph and forthwith
appeared a shining throng
of angels praising God, who thus
addressed their joyful song:

“All glory be to God on high,
and on the earth be peace;
goodwill hence forth
from heaven to earth
begin and never cease!”

Nahum Tate © Public Domain

Silent Night, Holy Night

Silent night, holy night,
all is calm, all is bright
round yon virgin mother and child.
Holy Infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night,
shepherds quake at the sight;
glories stream from heaven afar,
heavenly hosts sing alleluia!
Christ the Savior is born,
Christ the Savior is born!

Silent night, holy night
Son of God love’s pure light;
radiant beams from Thy holy face
with the dawn of redeeming grace.
Jesus Lord at Thy birth,
Jesus Lord at Thy birth.

Joseph Mohr. Translated F Young © Public Domain

Joy to the World

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
let every heart prepare Him room,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven and heaven,
and nature sing.

Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ;
while fields and floods,
rocks, hills and plains,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
and makes the nations prove
the glories of His righteousness,
and wonders of His love,
and wonders of His love,
and wonders, wonders of His love.

Isaac Watts © Public Domain

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King,
peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!”
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
join the triumph of the skies;
with the angelic hosts proclaim,
“Christ is born in Bethlehem!”
Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Christ, by highest heaven adored;
Christ, the everlasting Lord;
late in time behold Him come,
offspring of the Virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see;
hail the incarnate Deity,
pleased with us in flesh to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
risen with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
born that man no more may die,
born to raise the sons of earth,
born to give them second birth.
Hark! The herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Charles Wesley © Public Domain

This event has been organised by Horsham Churches Together, which is linked to over thirty churches and congregations in Horsham District. We would love to connect you to one of the local churches. If you would like any information, please speak to one of the stewards or connect with us via email, our website or social media.